
Viruses for Nokia 5800 Express Music

Are you panicked about viruses targeting Symbian OS smartphones?

Fact: There are no viruses for any Symbian smartphone OS 9 - the operating system makes access to dangerous 'propagating' limited functions properly 'signed '(controlled) applications. So if you have a S60 3rd Edition or UIQ 3-based smartphone, you can stop worrying permanently.

Fact: no one can pass a virus to your smartphone Symbian/S60/UIQ over Bluetooth or MMS without your knowledge. See a reason below.

Fact: Symbian (pre-OS 9, pre-S60 3rd Edition) 'virus' we read about are not really in kind, in the same way that Windows viruses are. Most Symbian malware has been created as' concept 'of software and sent directly to an anti-virus (which of course make a nice penny to inform the people who need software utility v). Because it is realistically impossible for applications to spread in most sensible societies simply will not be in them in the real world, unless you happen to hang around with boys aged portable folded to find the latest trojan-infested 'warez '.

Fact: It is impossible for any type of malware to make your smartphone unusable. Even if you leave a piece of "malware" (ie a malicious program) on your unit, it can not touch the OS and applications in ROM, which means you can always have a hard reset (by typing * # 7370 # 'works with most Series 60 smartphones.

You can keep your Symbian smartphone completely free of malware by following a few simple rules:

  1. Use an up to date (S60 3rd Edition, UIQ 3, etc) smartphone
  2. Don't accept unsolicited Bluetooth transmissions from other phones. Or trust applications tacked onto MMS messages ('e.g. Hey, try my new, kewl game!')
  3. To avoid mischevious 'trojans', don't install applications unless they are ones you've asked for or have downloaded from reputable software sites.

In most cases, it's quite safe to leave Bluetooth visibility as 'Shown to all'. If you do get bothered by too many unsolicited connection attempts, simply change the setting to 'Hidden'. Although given that the number of 'infected' older Series 60 phones worldwide is truly tiny, you really don't have to worry! You're 100 times more likely to be hit by lightning or to win the lottery.

This articles is taken and edit from website http://3lib.ukonline.co.uk/viruses.htm

However, if you keep want an anti virus for your Nokia 5800 Express Music. Wait for my next post. I will post some useful anti-virus available for you to download.

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