Handy Alarm reminder is divided into two main function, Reminder and Alarm.
Reminder are used to remind you about the different events and activities. There are 5 types of reminders:
- Simple - simple reminder with user-defined sound.
- Contact - allows you to dial a contact in predefined time.
- Phone number - allows you to make a call in predefined time.
- Voice note - plays recorded sound in predefined time.
- From SMS - displays particular text message in predefined time.

Alarms are used to wake you up in particular time. Alarms can be periodic. There are 6 types of alarms:
- Next 24 hours
- Once
- Daily
- Work days
- Weekly
- Monthly

As usual, this application will not place the icon in the application folder, but they will create new folder in your menu root folder name as Handy. However you change that to make this Handy alarm application icon in your application folder. Read my previous post on this site.
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